Saturday, October 22, 2011

Why Breaking My Flip Flop Was The Best Part Of My Life So Far (part 2)

Where were we?
Oh, right.


We had Red Lobster. Yeah.


So Mom and I headed back over to Old Navy to go shopping (I needed school clothes, or something, I needed something, yeah), and I browsed for a bit, trying to find things I liked (which isn't too hard, Old Navy has a lot of my clothing styles). I was over in the fundamentals section of the new store when...

"You're BACK!"

I turned around; there was Bradley! We chatted for a bit about broken flip flops, fashion and how pathetic I looked when I entered the store previously (well, it was mainly me talking about that). A few minutes later, after trying on things in the fitting room and deciding which I liked (which I suppose I don't really need to tell you about fitting rooms, since most humans have entered one, consciously or not, at least ONCE in their lives), I ran into Bradley once again. And the next conversation started something like this:

"So you liked everything?"
"Everything but the one I left in there."
"Oh I see, hating on the stripes, are we?"
"No, no, it just didn't fit-"
"Uh huh, okay, sure, right."

One thing led to another...

"Ever thought about working for Old Navy?"

I was surprised; I'd tried applying for a job for another store earlier, but I couldn't answer one of the questions (I can't say I have NO education but I'm haven't graduated yet, jeesh). He told me fill it out for that store, and two days later I had an interview and was hired for the seasonal position! First job for the win. :D

That was September 20th.

And Now We Fast Forward...

October 21st, I went in for my orientation.
Can I just mention one thing?
Old Navy.

And the cherry on top?

After work, my parents surprised me with dinner and...

An iPhone.
My face was like this.
And then it was like this.
This chick's a mobile blogger, now!

Yeah, my face went from an Olsen twin to Keenan Thompson. What of it, bro?

No but seriously, I'm really thankful for everything in my life. I just... can't even fathom. :D

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